Friday, August 21, 2009

24Hours of Hot August Nights!

So here we are on the cusp of the second most awesomest 24 hour race... I have rode this race but twice as i usually end up in the 'promised land' this time of year for whatever reason.

Not having a team to ride with after some failed negotiations, i came up with a very simple deal with these guys...

Yes, i will be riding through what appears to be some sour weather, i just love how all those a$$hat meteorologists/weatherpeoples call for sunshine on the weekend all week and then come Friday change thier tune to dooom and glooom! Let's face it, these kids don't know what the H they are doin' and should go back to sticking crayons up thier noses.

With all that watery stuff in the forcast i am going to complete at least one lap on one of them cute little misfit singlespeed numbers, hoping for hot pink or orange but either way it's going to be painful...but a good time. No matter the colour, the real treat is that the new Dissent (fe) , is hand crafted but Hugh Black of True North Cycles. If you know not of True North, you should do yourself, and your fellow man ,a courtesy by becoming edumacated in the ways of all things may want to put a bib on or get your drool cup ready.

They're interweb personas are larger than life, but who can't spew BS all over the interweb.

No matter what the weather does, this weekends performance will be nothing short of brilliance.

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