We set out from our lovely perch at Brighton state park after a hearty breakfast of pancakes and backbacon in search of the best riding Vermont claims to have. We were not disappointed! The ride starts right out of the back of the bike shop in East Burke, the trails are well marked and we had a plan….ride, smile, ride, laugh, repeat. Turned out to be an easy plan to stick too. Started off with a decent sustained ascent to the top of the trail system on some back roads. We for the most part followed the laid out route and it was sufficiently entertaining.
Harp, Coronary Bypass, Pastore Point, Pastore Point Loop, pound cake, river run, , Bemis, TAP & DIE, Webs, Dry Feet, West Branch, Hogs Back, Sidewinder, West Branch, Old Webs, Border, Border, Jaw (not recommended), Vast, Bill Magill, Heaven's Bench, Ridge, Rim, East Branch, Pines, Riverwood, Leatherwood, Kitchel, Herbs and out we went.
I’m sure I screwed that list up in there somehow. Long and short of it was it was, with the exception of Jaw,

outstanding XC riding. Fast, flowy, singletrack. The ups were not technical and the downs were sustained and fast. Highlights were definitely Tap & Die and Sidewinder in that order. Also for the shear fun factor Old Webs was great bang for the buck. In reality it was all good times and big shiteatin’ grins!
Tap & Die was about a 1 mile of twisty uberflow singletrack with a net loss of 300’ in elevation where you can really carve the corners with some great speed. It’s so long that by the time we were out of it both of us were giddy and our calves were cramping!
Tap & Die
Sidewinder is some huge berms, yes that big and so much fun.
This is Randall’s Garmin output from day 2 in the kingdom. Day 2 followed a night of rain, rain and more rain. We packed up wet and took off for some more Kingdom trail bliss. We rode a couple different trails and had a super great time. In addition to most of the above, we did ridge twice and rode up widowmaker, also hit part of Knob, and got my ass handed to me by cow path. Also took the opportunity to ditch the camelback on Old Webs with made it that much better. GARMIN

PB and Nutella sandwiches are best enjoyed on Heaven’s bench.
Big Kudo’s to the boys and girls who run and maintain Kingdom Trails…you kids are the tops, as are your trails. Your trails are incredible and the signage is awesome, drainage on the Darling Hill is great as considering the mass volume of rain that fell the trails were unexplainably dry.
Well satisfied, sufficiently bagged and all packed up we are ready to head off to the next destination...Millstone.
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