Then...there it was...the sign all roadies dream of....
and we don't pick up hitchhikers...not even the friendly ones...
The rest of the drive out there was rather uneventful.
Got geared up and paid our dues and took Eli's advice and did the red loop...starting just behind the sauna...if you thought a sauna was hot, you should have seen me nearly naked at the top...behind the sauna the single track began immediately, all in the upward direction...guess this was karma for not picking up the hitchie on the way in. Although lungbusting, even Randall thought we should have warmed up, hindsight being what it is, we kept on given'r and the trail was well laid out, with a mix of rocks, roots and dirt! I love Dirt!
The trails were free of any major obstacles that would impede our flow with few exceptions, there was that one 45degree loose climb that even a billygoat on 'roids would have faltered on. There was a whole quasi-geeky Starwars theme going on, not that i mind, or think that i am above geekie but it was a little wierd.

I am much more inclined to like trails with names like 'this gunna hurt' or 'rocks aren't your friends' over 'millenium falcon' or 'yoda's way' although Yoda had some preddy dam nice single track...impressive to say the least.
Amazingly the rain held off and we had a great couple hours here. Only complaint is the last section of trail before you pop out should be labeled as such as it is an absolute treat that should be savoured by all.
Big props to Eli and the gang at Fellowship of the Wheel that keep this place kickin' a$$.
I celebrated day 6 of riding in the parking lot with a offering by Long Trail . And graciously, left my empty on the rear bumper for on some car sporting brotherhood of PoPo plates...figured if i gave him money it would be good karma for the remainder of our travels!
Just as we finished up with the bike wash and got ready to get movering along, yes you guessed it, a storm rolled on in and it rained.
We started on towards our next local in Barnes Corners, NY where rumour had it you could ride your mountain bikes...we like these kinda rumours lots!
The drive was quite eventful, it involved lots of storms, a well executed 270 degree turn, some deer, and two white guys dressed in indian drag attemptin to unstuck their Quad before the real indians showed up to kick their white hienies! After 3 hours of driving through storms we decided to call the remaining day of our trip off as even if it did stop raining, which it eventually did, the trails after this much rain would be absolutely awful.
Since we called it early we decided to take a detour...short cut...through the adirondacks...this drive was quite incredible and i will def make a point of returning...that much woods must have some bikeable trail in it after all.
Crossed the border back into canadistan at kingston at midnight and after a few questionable responses to the border guard we were permitted to pass out of the United Capitalist Republic of States. I was tired, i drove, Randall arrived safely in TO before his bed time, i drove on to the hammer and got stuck in the normal 2 am traffic when some knob up a head cracked up his car and closed the highway! performed Uey! on QEW then up the trafalgar onramp and around finally arriving home at 3am.
Great Adventure had by all....Thanks Randall!
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